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Executed Projects

Shuhadaa’ Al Aqsa Hospital – Gaza

Nablus Specialized Hospital – GE Brivo 385 CT

Al Ahli Hospital Hebron

Bethlehem Arab Society For Rehabilitation Cathlab

Maintenance Department

Our maintenance department speaks for itself, the maintenance department is fully set up to undertake the responsibility of performance on any project regardless of the size. The Department has been in existence since the establishment of MTC and manages to keep improving it to the point of being recognized the Number One service company in Palestine, our 500 Square meters center is fully equipped to board level repair. Our resident local engineers are fully trained on all products that we market in Palestine. In addition to the set up we have connected all GE diagnostic equipment Via insight to the GE Worldwide trouble shooting centers in France. It have shown our customers the effectiveness of support, this can be demonstrated to any of our potential customers or principles on site.

Representation of world reputable manufactures

MTC has the representation and cooperation rights of more than 120 Medical equipment manufacturers and world wide suppliers on top of them Hitachi Medical Systems, Codonics, iCRCO, Matachana, Gima. MTC currently works with multiple customers world wide. We are expanding our programs to include other than the product lines stated and to cover more customer needs. MTC’s services to its principles, includes assistance in the following:

  • Market Analysis
  • Research
  • Feasibility studies
  • Strategic Marketing Planning
  • Medical equipment packaging
  • Provide Product Promotion & Advertising
  • Facilitate Registration and Pre-qualifications
  • Provide Technical and Filling Information
  • Provide Logistical Support and Documentation
  • Assist in /Sales Forecasting
  • Provide Specialized Training for Sales Force and Management
  • Assist Dealers in Meeting Sales Targets
  • Ensure the Availability of after the Sale Service
  • Pre and Post Sale Logistical Support and Documentation
  • Obtain Information on Competitive forces
  • Gather Information on Tenders and Awards
  • Update client on Governmental Requirements
  • Keep up with changes in the Delivery System
  • Identify Budget Allocations Cycles
  • Obtain data on Demographics and Utilization of Services
  • Identify Donors and assist in the planning phase and tenders specs

Strategic Direction

The CEO with close communication with the management team has set the “Power Play” direction and the short, mid and long-term strategies of business ventures focusing on the following:
MTC as a recognized packager company for Hospitals and Medical centers Turn key, supply, installation, operation, warranty and training.
Setting the stage of customer needs.
Getting started and what are the element of penetrating the market.
Clear focused “Road Map” vision to be set.
Strategy to get where we intend to go.
Action plan to set realistic timetable.
Management of results.
Detailed economic analysis and risk factors of each venture.